Monday, August 11, 2014

In addition to food, drinks require chicken. Given unlimited beverages, containers for beverages provided, if discharged added again. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaTo support the successful cultivation of chicken, PT Natural Nusantara (NASA) issued a series of vitamin products are extremely helpful for increasing productivity of native chicken farms, both in terms of quality, quantity, and effectiveness. Among the products VITERNA, NASA POC, HORMONIK. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaVITERNA Plus is a special supplement cattle with the content:

     Minerals that are essential for bone growth, the outer and inner organs, blood formation and others.
     The main amino acids such as arginine, histidine, Isoleucine, Lycine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Thryptophan, and Valine as a constituent of protein for the formation of cells, tissues, and organs.
     Complete vitamins A, D, E, K, C and B complex for health and endurance.

Giving NASA POC containing various minerals essential for the growth of livestock, such as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, etc. and equipped proteins and fats, can increase the growth of village chickens, pigs endurance, reduce cholesterol meat and reduce the smell of dirt. For optimal results, the suggested provision was added to the NASA POC Hormonik.

Hormonik acts as a growth regulator, where its presence will be very important in helping to improve the growth of pigs. So the chicken livestock farming can be done in a shorter time but still get optimal results.
Use of VITERNA Plus, POC NASA, and HORMONIK can be done as a given mixture of water throughout the day. Can also agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya be mixed as a wetting agent in the concentrate feed.

There are three kinds of cages, the cages boxes, postal cages and battery cages. Maintenance of a stable box as seed or seedling chicken DOC. So-called because of its stable box is a box.

In sometimes box size of 1 x 1 m agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayacan be charged as much as 40 -45 DOC. Long maintenance of DOC in the enclosure box + - 20 days. To keep the warmth of the light on the enclosure is given enclosure box with temperature 30-32 degrees Celsius.

Entering the day 21 chicken cage agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayawas moved to enlargement or postal cage. The size of the cage postal adjust the number of chicken reared. Postal cage size 5 x 20 m can be filled with as many as 1200 chickens seed. Long maintenance in postal cage is when the seed chicken was 21 days until harvest time.

Required for battery cage as a cage for breeding or laying chicken. The ideal location of the cage is at a distance from settlements of at least 5 m, not humid, morning sun can enter and air circulation is good enough. We recommend that you choose a location that is somewhat shady and unobstructed by buildings or other walls so that the wind does not blow directly into the enclosure. Before enclosure filled with chicken, disinfecting with disinfectant needs to be done that is not harmful to the chickens.

D. VILLAGE CHICKEN DISEASE CONTROL agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
Disease in village chickens often cause problems and large losses. Because the control and prevention of the disease is important. Some actions that can be done to prevent the disease include:

     Maintain sanitation cage, cage equipment and human
     Feeding cattle fresh and as needed agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
     Conduct regular vaccination
     Selection of the farms in the area that is free of disease
     Good maintenance management
     Control of other animals.

For novice / layman, must have felt afraid to do business chicken. Typically will be many questions that are difficult to find the answer. But do not worry, we've got the answer ........!
we will provide the science / aquaculture way while training later. Not only that, we continually ready to assist you after training. we are ready to provide super quality chicken DOC kw 1 we will explain when training and coaching will provide consultation and post-training. we are ready to assist post-harvest sales. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
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