Monday, March 17, 2014

Thanks for the mas -General on the question .

DispertaJombang 2012-12-21 09:31
This Is The comparison results
Great Chili :Tegal : 1.5 - 2 kg / treeFields : 2 to 2.5 kg / treePot / polybag : 1 to 1.5 kg / tree
Small chili :Tegal : 1-2 kg / treeRice : 1.5 - 2 kg / tree

Judi Bola Online Pot / polybag , 0.5 - 1 kg / tree

# 5 abd Jalil 2013-04-23 15:46how to overcome the precipitation eminence of chili YG d TNM d polybag

# 6 DispertaJombang 2013-04-30 08:32Raising chili rainy season is very high at risk , but very interesting because the price is above chili average.The treatment already in cultivation should be adaptive to environmental conditions .Kondisikan principle as drought environment , in a sense quite light , low humidity .Its efforts such as :1 . Organize a wider spacing2 . If possible use a glass house3 . Porous media ( if watered , water, direct / easy out )4 . In the morning, spray with water wells ( to reduce the impact of dew )5 . Put on land polybag enough sunlight (not in shade )6 . Prevent OPT with biological agens example: media plus tricoderma , Beauveria bassiana , metharizium etc.

# 7 julius aprilian 2013-09-21 23:54apply information , related to harvest
Pulau Pramukachili in a pot that ranges 0.5- 1kg / tree. What is the result of a one-time harvest ? , or total harvest for chili pot life ( 5-6 months) ?pepper plant in a pot next cycle panennya how her TIMELINE ? whether weekly or once every how many days ?

# 8 DispertaJombang 2013-09-23 16:19Production Table 0.5 to 1 kg / tree obtained for the chili tanama age ata seasonal harvest cycle is done 1-2 times per week .Average - average farmers grow after approximately 5 days.Total production is subject to available nutrients in the media and behavior .thank you

# 9 eco intelligent person 2013-11-02 03:48This in my village, I do plan to pepper cultivation in poly bags in the grounds of the house, unt use vacant land in the grounds pkarangan the needs of NPK + compost / manure per stem maximum of about how the pack?

# 10 2013-11-08 01:15 yasa course many already know what cayenne is not it? In fact, almost all people have to eat good lalapan companion as well as a condiment . Now this is even bury mulaibercocok much cayenne pepper good for personal consumption or for the market. But before discussing about how to plant canes sauce , should be known in advance the types available. When observed on the market, there are at least three types of cultured good cayenne disawah or dipot . The first is jemprit cayenne . In size , they are much shorter an
Pulau Tidungd smaller . The second type is chilli lamb . In this type of measurement is greater than jemprit but has a less savory taste . The third type is the chili tick . In size , the type is larger than jemprit but smaller than the type of sheep . But no more of this kind of spicy cayenne jemprit . In this article will be given tips on how to cultivation pot cayenne .completion of seed

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