Sunday, July 13, 2014

Besides its use sa vegetables, noni can also

Besides its use sa vegetables, noni can also be used as a healer of disease. Young leaves of Morinda citrifolia as an efficacious anti-cancer, bile laxative medications, kidney disease, hypertension, wounds, colds (as a poultice on the abdomen), dysentery, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol and increase stamina.
Bisnis online Growing environmental
Noni plants can grow well in areas with an altitude dataranrendah 0-500 m above sea level, air temperature between 220-300 C, but still can grow up to a temperature of 320 C. The relative humidity (RH) between 50-70%. Rainfall between 2000-3 000mm/tahun, and getting enough sunlight. Noni tolerant of shade or shady circumstances, so cocock planted in the yard. Noni requires a pH between 5.5-6.5 with fertile structures, many containing humus, has good aeration and drainage. The type of soil is suitable for growing noni ang is alivial, latosol, red and yellow podzolic.

Preparation of plant seeds
Noni seedlings can be obtained from the generative and vegetative propagation. Mother plant must meet the following requirements: have a lush growth and normal, aged between 3-5 years, and prolific fruiting. By using the generative seed, while vegetative able to use stem cuttings or branches. Until now there has been no research data related to breeding technol
Lowongan Kerjaogies tanamn noni. Nevertheless, the multiplication can be done with pancangkokan trunk or branch.

Land preparation
The land for the cultivation of noni form of the planting hole. Planting hole size and spacing vary widely. Can be selected from 30cm x 30cm x 30cm; 40cm x 40cm x 40cm or 60cm x 60cm x 60cm; with a distance of 2m x 2.5m; 4m x 4m; 5m x 5m or, depending on the level of soil fertility. Planting hole was made 15 days before planting.

At the time of planting and restoration of land into a hole, the fi
Investasirst soil mixed with manure as much as 20-40 kg / hole. Planting by removing polythene bags but keep the soil in polythene bags do not crumble and break. After planting, watering to maintain soil moisture and accelerate soil attached to the roots of Morinda citrifolia.

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